Pack Qt program for MeeGo 1.2
2011-06-18 13:40:40 UTC
I am new to MeeGo and I'm working on Qt for MeeGo.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and can use QEMU to run MeeGo on my machine.Now I want to pack a simple Qt program for MeeGo 1.2 and I'm working on it according to the text in http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.0/Packaging/Tutorial. But when I input the
"vi textures.desktop" it will display the message "E353:Nothing in register".I don't know how to solve.I'm in dire need some detailed guidance note.
Starving for your reply.
Thank you very much!
Chen, Zhang Z
2011-06-20 02:46:48 UTC
Post by 兰
I am new to MeeGo and I'm working on Qt for MeeGo.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and can use QEMU to run MeeGo on my machine.Now I
want to pack a simple Qt program for MeeGo 1.2 and I'm working on it
according to the text in
http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.0/Packaging/Tutorial. But when I input the
"vi textures.desktop" it will display the message "E353:Nothing in register".I
don't know how to solve.I'm in dire need some detailed guidance note.
Forget about the vi, Just create a file named textures.desktop with contents described and go ahead.
Post by 兰
MeeGo-sdk mailing list
Weggerle, Alexander
2011-06-20 08:25:29 UTC

This is an issue with vim (the editor you invoke with "vi textures.desktop") and copy paste. An explanation of this error and the solving is in the thread: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/cant-copy-paste-from-one-terminal-to-another-using-vim-776616/
If you are new to linux and had never used vim before there is a small guide at: http://www.unix-manuals.com/tutorials/vi/vi-in-10-1.html
But you can also take another editor. Like nano for the command line ("nano textures.desktop") or if you have a graphical desktop gedit ("gedit textures.desktop"). Both of them are easier to use.


-----Original Message-----
From: 兰 [mailto:***@163.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 15:41
To: meego-***@meego.com
Subject: [MeeGo-SDK] Pack Qt program for MeeGo 1.2

I am new to MeeGo and I'm working on Qt for MeeGo.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and can use QEMU to run MeeGo on my machine.Now I want to pack a simple Qt program for MeeGo 1.2 and I'm working on it according to the text in http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.0/Packaging/Tutorial. But when I input the "vi textures.desktop" it will display the message "E353:Nothing in register".I don't know how to solve.I'm in dire need some detailed guidance note.
Starving for your reply.
Thank you very much!

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