Hacks to have Qt SDK, Harmattan SDK & MeeGo SDK together?
Andrew Flegg
2011-06-24 13:55:01 UTC

I've got a Qt SDK install which I've updated to include Harmattan
components. But, ideally, I'd also be able to target MeeGo[1] from
within the same IDE.

Ideally this would be possible without having too much duplication on
my hard disk, but even putting that aside; is there any way to have
"MeeGo" as a target alongside "Harmattan", "Remote Compiler" and
"Maemo" in Qt Creator based on the Qt SDK?

Thanks in advance,


[1] And, really ideally, Necessitas.
Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew-po+***@public.gmane.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
Hiemanshu Sharma
2011-06-24 14:04:39 UTC
Well yes, you can use the same Qt SDK and add the new targets to a common
one, but you'll still probably have multiple versions of Qt Creator which
sadly you cannot remove.

Andrew Flegg
2011-06-24 15:37:03 UTC
Post by Hiemanshu Sharma
Well yes, you can use the same Qt SDK and add the new targets to a common
one, but you'll still probably have multiple versions of Qt Creator which
sadly you cannot remove.
So, this would be:

a) Install MeeGo SDK
b) In Qt SDK's Qt Creator, add stuff to Tools > Options...
* Qt4 > Qt versions
* Tool Chains(?)

The MeeGo SDK I seem to have on my Windows box (installed during the
MeeGo Conference), I don't seem to have any packaging options for
building RPMs or spec files. Is this me overlooking something?


Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew-po+***@public.gmane.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
Thiago Macieira
2011-06-24 16:31:08 UTC
Post by Andrew Flegg
Post by Hiemanshu Sharma
Well yes, you can use the same Qt SDK and add the new targets to a common
one, but you'll still probably have multiple versions of Qt Creator which
sadly you cannot remove.
a) Install MeeGo SDK
b) In Qt SDK's Qt Creator, add stuff to Tools > Options...
* Qt4 > Qt versions
* Tool Chains(?)
The MeeGo SDK I seem to have on my Windows box (installed during the
MeeGo Conference), I don't seem to have any packaging options for
building RPMs or spec files. Is this me overlooking something?
Until we fix it. The plans are there to make one and single "Qt SDK" that
addresses all the platforms, including the official MeeGo targets. In fact, all
the infra-structure is already there.

The difference is who makes the offline installers and if the current SDKs have
patches to Qt Creator that haven't been upstreamed.
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C 966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358
Andrew Flegg
2011-06-24 16:49:39 UTC
Post by Thiago Macieira
Post by Andrew Flegg
The MeeGo SDK I seem to have on my Windows box (installed during the
MeeGo Conference), I don't seem to have any packaging options for
building RPMs or spec files. Is this me overlooking something?
Until we fix it. The plans are there to make one and single "Qt SDK"
that addresses all the platforms, including the official MeeGo targets.
That sounds cool, but I meant even in the *MeeGo* SDK, there don't
seem to be any package creation options (on Windows at least).

What's the timescale for the integration?


Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew-po+***@public.gmane.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
Andrew Flegg
2011-06-24 15:28:17 UTC
Is the Harmattan chroot already available ?
Qt SDK has updates which will pull in Harmattan support, complete with
qemu emulator: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/21/introducing-meego-1-2-harmattan-to-the-qt-sdk/

There's also the "platform" SDK which is Scratchbox:


Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew-po+***@public.gmane.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
Sivan Greenberg
2011-06-24 16:16:20 UTC
Neat, just like in the good old Maemo days...

Post by Andrew Flegg
Is the Harmattan chroot already available ?
Qt SDK has updates which will pull in Harmattan support, complete with
qemu emulator: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/21/introducing-meego-1-2-harmattan-to-the-qt-sdk/