14 years ago
Max, could you take a look?
From: ext maya.devi-***@public.gmane.org [maya.devi-***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:49 AM
To: Boudra Fathi (Nokia-MS/Helsinki)
Subject: Issues in installing meego sdk
Hello sir,
I have downloaded MeeGo sdk1.1 and trying to install from steps given in link http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.1/Getting_started_with_the_MeeGo_SDK_for_Windows. while Launching MADDE Terminal it is showing following error,
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ export http_proxy=xxx
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ mad-admin create -f meego-hanset-ia32-w32-1.1
No predefined target/runtime 'meego-hanset-ia32-w32-1.1' found.
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ mad-admin create -e -f meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime "to create a runtime "meego-handest-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime
mad-admin create: 'to create a runtime meego-handest-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime': unknown option.
please guide me in installing.
With Regards,
From: ext maya.devi-***@public.gmane.org [maya.devi-***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:49 AM
To: Boudra Fathi (Nokia-MS/Helsinki)
Subject: Issues in installing meego sdk
Hello sir,
I have downloaded MeeGo sdk1.1 and trying to install from steps given in link http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.1/Getting_started_with_the_MeeGo_SDK_for_Windows. while Launching MADDE Terminal it is showing following error,
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ export http_proxy=xxx
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ mad-admin create -f meego-hanset-ia32-w32-1.1
No predefined target/runtime 'meego-hanset-ia32-w32-1.1' found.
MADDE-0.7.57 ~
mdevi27 $ mad-admin create -e -f meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime "to create a runtime "meego-handest-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime
mad-admin create: 'to create a runtime meego-handest-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime': unknown option.
please guide me in installing.
With Regards,