Problems about loading SWF file with QWebKit
2011-06-24 09:34:42 UTC

I've been trying to make a program loading SWF file with QWebKit.
Everything just works fine on *meego-netbook-1.1*.
Here are some problems I've met on *meego-netbook 1.2* & *meego-tablet 1.2*:

1. Load will always fail(a black widget comes out) at the first try,
but the following ones work normally.
2. When recover focus after losing it, the QWebView widget will always
stop working(freeze mostly) if any key is pressed.

Here are the procedure to recur the two problems on *meego-netbook
1.2* & *meego-tablet

1. Install libqtwebkit4 and flash-plugin(if required).
2. Copy /usr/lib/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so to
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins(if required).
3. Make a program with QWebKit to load SWF file.
4. Run the program and load a SWF file(from local or remote) with
QWebView---->nothing comes out but a black widget at the first time.
5. Load the SWF file again-------->now comes out the SWF. You
can interact with SWF using keyboard.
6. Press any where of the program but the QWebView to get focus from
it------->now the QWebView widget will not receive any keyboard events.
7. Press the the QWebView widget to have it the focus------->now any
keyboard input will make QWebView widget stop working.

The target I'm using is meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.2.
Stuck here for a long time. Any help is welcome.

